Tara- second maha vidhya(she protects us in ocean when we pray to her)

Tara is the second of the Dasamaha Vidyadevathas, about whom there are some interesting mention in scriptures.

She solves troubles of devotees when they pass in oceans.

First is about the formation on this earth with all facilities for humans animals and insects to live comfortably both on earth and in water. When the two Asuras Madhu and Kaitabha were killed, the fragments of their bodies formed the base for the land mass of our Earth and there was nothing except water and barren land. Sun was created by the efforts of Tara and Dakshineshwar Tara produced light , energy and heat through her powers, which became the source for the Sun. She created a tremendous air flow from her breath, which hit the energy bodies and led to their union. The increasing source of energy inside the water gave the required boost to the appearance of the eternal sun. Surya was told that he has to give his life-giving sun rays to the world and give life to all beings, by staying at one place and provide heat, light and life sustaining energy to the Earth. Also lead the creation of day and night as also lead the circle of seasons on Earth. Surya agreed to fulfil his purpose and keep the balance in the universe according to the laws of nature. Next, Tara assumed the form of Goddess Shodashi to provide all. The goddess Tara is the second Devata of the Dasa Mahavidyas and there are a number of scriptures about her forms of greenery and plants by placing a bamboo inside the earth and pouring one drop of water from her waterpot, which gave birth to all plant life and to forests, trees, etc., as per nature.

There is a version of Ramayana according to which Sita, assumed the form of Kaali at the time of abduction and killed Ravana.. All the deities including Brahma worshipped her treating her as the feminine form of Rama. When Kaali was appeased she assumed the calmer form of Tara, holding her sword in her right hand, tiger skin cloth from Brahma, piled her hair into a single knot on the top ofher head and bound it with the serpent that is always with her. Rudra requested the boon of Brahma Vidya from her, which was responded by her by placing her left foot on his chest.

Tara has eight forms called Ashta Tara and the names are Ekajata, Ugratara, Mahogra, Kameshwari, Chamunda, Neela Saraswati, Vajra, and Bhadrakali.She is also referred to by more names such as Neela Saraswathi, Ugra Tara, Shukla Tara, Neela Tara, Chatra Tara. She is also called Tarini as she helps her devotees to cross the ocean of family life with all its riddles.
Tara represents the pranava sakthi “ AUM” and stays in the human body, where Manipoorakam is located.

Tara is also very popular in the entire Himalayan region among the Tibetans and all the hill tribes, being considered as the “Goddess of Compassion”.
In TaraPeet, West Bengal, there is a big temple for Tara which is also one of the Sakthi Peetams.

Whenever devotees are travelling on pilgrimages either on land or on river/ ocean and face any problem, Tara takes proper care of Her devotees in all possible ways.

The Enlightened Souls

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