Religion and spirituality

What are those two? Have ever asked this question to ur self and did you get the answer ?

First thing,one should know that " Religion ' is man made,

God has never made any specific religion, on the other hand the culture, traditions as worship to the Nature in the primitive ages of our ancestors living in harmony with Nature made them to call themselves religious with certain beliefs and principles to lead their lives in proper direction given by God through Nature’s blessings . Therefore ,

Religion is precisely a way of life, the Marga to lead a good life and enabling ur soul to attain Moksha , the divinity.

Man created different Margas in the name of different Religions which in turn created number of Gods and deities in the name of Religion today.
When you go to a doctor , did you ask whether he or she a, Christian Hindu or Muslim.?

Different Margas have been taught in the scriptures of the holy books of Bagavat Gita, Bible and Kuran, all of them advise to follow only one thing is, to be good in ur thoughts, actions and be compassionate to ur fellow beings around you.

Religion is nothing but more love, fraternity and compassion. One who follow these three would be the most religious person, since the creator, the holy spirit,the Almighty God would bedwelling in his or her heart, and make the mind holy and healthy. And a little attempt with further steps try connecting the soul to God through various yoga,Sadana and meditation will make the person spiritual .Truly speaking

Hundred time doing prayers,visiting to number of temples on pilgrimage and doing various homas and rituals would never be equivalent and comparable to the ultimate love , care and concern and selflessness and compassion, feeding the hunger and the poor, including the birds and animals, helping the needy and sick, care for the parents at their old age, besides being honest and hard working ,. extending ur One helping hand to the under privileged and downtrodden would be greater than worshipping the God with two hands.This is what God expects from everyone. More importantly

The left hand should not know what the right hand doing , this is called charity ad the unseen God will reward u multi fold.

Truly, u should never ever say to any one u did charity because charity is just an execution of what God had given to you and not given from ur possessions because u never brought any thing when came into this world at the time of your birth, each and every thing r God given .

Be enthusiastic to work hard and be enthusiastic to be compassionate.
'Think good, do good , and stay good and be blessed is Religion and spirituality.

Enlightened Souls

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