Many Ways of Pray

There are many ways, people do their prayers as quoted in their religious scriptures.

Most people do pray only during difficult times.

Only a few people do pray regularly irrespective of their good and bad situations as a routine act of attendance in front of the Altar or Pooja room.

The content of most of the prayers are seeking wealth prosperity happiness and all kinds of materialistic things.

In many cases people do chant mantras as fast as school children without understanding the meaning of the words of the mantra.

Most of us think that lengthy prayers will be answered by God ,therefore they pray like pagans for long time.

The prayer consists of the following steps:
1. Praise
Praising God for His glory and Omnipresence, His grace and Mercy.

2. Petition
Place before Him your request of genuine and urgent needs and requirements.

3. Thanks giving
Thanking for all the benefits and blessings you have been bestowed upon by Him.

4. Repentance
Repenting for all the wrong doings and sins done knowingly or unknowingly  and seek pardon and forgiveness  and promising not to commit the mistakes .

When you  pray,  pray with your heart , soul and faith  with all humbleness.

When you pray, have faith that your prayers are answered. Your faith should be implicit and unshakable.

When you pray for yourself, pray for others as well. Remember!

Prayers do wonders and Miracles.

The family who prays together will stay together in love and blissfulness  for ever.


Enlightened souls

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