Spirituality for Tech Dummies - Part 2
Note - Take in lighter sense, as you should take life
A. Is computer and spiritual related?
Computer chip are made of silicon. It's from earth. Ofcourse its deeply connected.
Binary state 0 and 1. Nature is made of North-South, masculine-feminine, day-night everything is dual without one other does not exist. Computers have 0 and 1.
It's interconnected!
B. Is there a god for computers?
Exactly there is no god for computer
If you like you can pray to god of electricity
Zeus - Thor - Indra (Hinduism)
You can also pray to varaha and goddess varahi ( god and goddess of earth)
C. Isn't god an assumption?
Geometry is an assumption. Line is locus of point from x,y to X1,Y1. Line with 0 length is a point. Circle with 0 radius is a point. X,Y point with radius R is a circle.
Without one other does not exist.
So why did man create geometry? If the whole subject is assumption? Why believe it?
D. Am in IT company and i get lot of political enemies inside my company. They play dirty? I pray to god. I feel god doesn't help me?
God is actually busy. He has no role in your problem.
You get into problem due to your karma from past and present births.
You can do Anna dhanam(vegetarian food for poor), clothes and use mantras.
Check the other pages of this portal for mantras of different deities and you could take help for health, protection from enemies etc. No god protects a selfish soul. Try living beyond selfishness.
Note - there is no enemies , it exist only in Maya(illusion world).
E. Who is real enlightened soul?
When a soul realise there is no difference between it and infinite (what we call as God). This is point of realisation. It's not about what you think in your mind(Maya). It's when you understand it deeper(in soul).
E. What is sahaja samadi(enlightenment) mentioned in Ribu Gita? Which bhagawan Ramana asks his disciples to read!
When you can sit relaxed as universe itself with no thoughts disturbing your peace because mind-world are Maya, you are lord shiva(or the god you consider as most supreme).