Spirituality for Tech Dummies - Part 2
Note - Take in lighter sense, as you should take life A. Is computer and spiritual related? Computer chip are made of silicon. It's from earth. Ofcourse its deeply connected. Binary state 0 and 1. Nature is made of North-South, masculine-feminine, day-night everything is dual without one other does not exist. Computers have 0 and 1. It's interconnected! B. Is there a god for computers? Exactly there is no god for computer If you like you can pray to god of electricity Zeus - Thor - Indra (Hinduism) You can also pray to varaha and goddess varahi ( god and goddess of earth) C. Isn't god an assumption? Geometry is an assumption. Line is locus of point from x,y to X1,Y1. Line with 0 length is a point. Circle with 0 radius is a point. X,Y point with radius R is a circle. Without one other does not exist. So why did man create geometry? If the whole subject is assumption? Why believe it? D. Am in IT company and i get lot of political enemies inside my company. They play dirty?...